Monthly Archives: July 2018

Health Classes #1 — Sugar, Cravings & Emotional Eating

The best laid plans are often waylaid ​by a seemingly uncontrollable craving for something sweet or salty. Typically we meet these cravings with junk food: ​ice cream, candy bars, cookies and cake for the sweet tooth, quickly followed up by chips or French fries ​for the salty fix. This interactive presentation gives attendees tools that teach them how to get through cravings easily. This presentation is a great way to support other health initiatives!

As a Certified Health Coach I will show you ways to outsmart your sugar cravings, salt cravings, and give you tools to identify when emotional eating is taking over. This is emotional eating help that has worked for me, and for my clients.

Do you, or someone you love need help with sugar cravings and diabetes? This is the class for you! Just let me know in the Contact Me info, and I’ll make sure to address it for you.

Not everyone has sugar cravings, many people have salt cravings … or sugar and salt cravings! Learn what drives them, and ways to get the to STOP!

You must sign up soon because there’s only room for six! If that changes, of course I can open it up for more, but as of now, we’re limited. It only costs $10 to guarantee your spot! This is a local event, but I’d be happy to do a webinar for you if you get together a group of people in your office or home. Click on Contact Me to request more info.

Eventbrite - Sugar, Cravings & Emotional Eating