Monthly Archives: December 2015

Tidbit Tuesday-Chia Seeds


Wow! These little, bitty seeds pack a wallop! 1oz. (1T + 1/2t) has 8.6g fat, 4.4g protein (high quality containing all essential amino acids except for taurine), 12g carbohydrate, 11g fiber; 1620mg Omega6, 4915mg Omega3, 18% DV of calcium and it’s also high in phosphorous, and manganese. Chia also contains zinc, potassium, copper, niacin, folic acid and magnesium.

All that nutrition is packed into a tiny seed that’s tasteless! That means you can add it to almost anything without affecting the taste. Go ahead, sprinkle it on salads, cereal and yogurt or blend it up in your smoothie. (See Mad About Monday 2-6-12

So, what are the health claims? The Aztecs ate chia seeds for energy. It is reported to be mildly anti-inflammatory, slows the digestion of carbohydrates helping to regulate blood sugar, lowers bad and raises good cholesterol, aids in weight loss and helps to control cravings. Because it’s loaded with anti-oxidants it aids in the prevention of heart disease and hypertension and should be included in any anti-aging strategy. It also aids in hydration and is great for your skin

As if all that isn’t enough, unlike flax seed, chia doesn’t need to be ground to get the benefits, making it easier and faster to use; and it doesn’t need careful handling because it doesn’t get rancid due to the high levels of anti-oxidants. I’ve read that you can keep them for two years.

Chia seeds turn liquid into a gel-like substance that surrounds the seed. It makes a fantastic base for a raw pudding. I got the following recipe from

1/4c chia seeds, 1.5c almond or other nut milk, dash of vanilla, sweetener of choice (I love pure maple syrup). Put all ingredients in a glass jar, shake to mix and refrigerate overnight … Voila! Pudding!

As a variation, I plan to try adding 1T of raw cacao to the mix … yum!