Monthly Archives: February 2017

delicious cupcakes

Get to the Bottom of Cravings & Emotional Eating

Get to the bottom of your cravings and emotional eating with a few steps … Notice I didn’t say ‘simple steps.’

The key to discovering the reasons for your cravings is awareness. If you aren’t even aware that they’re happening until it’s too late, then you’ve missed that golden opportunity to uncover why they showed up in the first place.

First, be aware that there are two kinds of cravings: Physical and Emotional.

Physical cravings are the result of not eating enough food, or eating the wrong type of food. You might have eaten a big breakfast, but if it didn’t have enough fiber, fat and protein to sustain you until your next meal, chances are that your blood sugar will tank and despite your best intentions, you will not have a light lunch, you’ll stop at a convenience store or go through the drive-thru and get a carb-heavy lunch that definitely has fat and protein, but probably little fiber, and zero good carbs.

The key to physical cravings is to eat in a manner that supports a nice blood sugar balance. High quality, lean protein like that found in eggs, turkey, chicken and beans, along with fresh fruit and whole grain toast is a great breakfast.

If you don’t have time to make it, find a shake mix that works for you. There are several on the market but my favorite is Juice Plus+ Complete French Vanilla. I add fruit, cinnamon, ginger and a touch of coconut oil and I’m good for the morning! Try having a cup of green tea mid-morning to assist in a little blood sugar regulation and write down how you feel.Continue your day with healthy, whole grains, fruits, veggies and lean proteins, keep track and see if your cravings are reduced.

My favorite snack idea is a piece of fruit (right now I’m seriously hung up on oranges) and an ounce (1/4 cup) of raw nuts. Fruit, fiber, protein and healthy fat … the best!

Are your cravings still a problem? Check in next week when I talk about ways to get a handle on Emotional Eating. In the meantime, keep a journal of what’s going on during your day, what you eat and when you eat it. I know it’s annoying, but it’s really the only way to get to the bottom of things.
kindle-coverFor a lot more on how to handle cravings, build healthy eating habits and alternatives to what not to eat, hop over to Amazon and buy a copy of my new book, No Kale Required: Healthy Eating Ideas for the Rest of Us. Buy the paperback for $11.99 and you get the Kindle version FREE!