Thursday Thanks – Food Activists

Badseed Farmers Market, 1909 McGee in KC, every Friday beginning May 4th 4-9PM

I am grateful for the people at the grassroots level that are choosing to grow their food and mine; urban farmers, family farms, beekeepers, herbalists … those who are doing things the old fashioned way trying to heal the land, their families and mine. These folks are leading the charge to freedom from poisons deemed ‘safe,’ including chemical fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics and feed that is laced with all of the above.

The food from people that care is energetically superior to that which is factory farmed. There is true love and commitment involved in farming organically and sustainably. That is the energy that’s in the food from a Farmers Market … love, and sweat, and tradition. Have a little of that with your dinner!

There are many places to purchase grass fed, grass finished beef and pastured chickens. They are usually more expensive, but as demand grows, prices keep getting a little bit lower. This brings me to previously quoted Michael Pollan, “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” Eat the best that you can afford. Learning to replace some meat entrees with bean dishes is a really healthy choice that helps to keep costs down. (Chili with beans, bean soup, salads with beans and black bean burgers are just a few choices.)

Many urban areas are lucky to have farmers bring what’s been ordered to a central location for pickup, or they attend

Brookside Farmers Market in Kansas City on Saturday Mornings

Farmers Markets and bring pre-ordered items along. Check out Local Harvest for growers in your area. In the KC area you can download a directory of members at KC Food Circle.

Most of the farmers I’ve met are full of advice for how to use their products; many offering plants and recipes. There are a growing number of new businesses springing up to teach homeowners how to cultivate their yards for organic food production. What a fantastic way to save money and teach children where food really comes from!

So, thank a food activist this weekend … visit a Farmers Market in your town.

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